Sunday, May 25, 2008

DuncanClan Creations website now on line.

Come and visit our web site-in-progess at where we are building a catalog of our latest designs. We will be listing some of our stuff on Ebay under "vest extenders and Christian motorcycle accessories" this weekend so come and check us out.
Thanks and God Bless
Steve and Mary Duncan

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christian Theme Vest Extender

Vest Extender for the Christian Biker

The Christian who loves to ride their motorcycles on the road today should have a few more ways to express his or her faith in their riding equipment. Be confident that you have something that the world needs (your faith in Jesus) and can wear designs that look good, are durable, solves a problem and can be used to "strike up the conversation" that can many times give us a opportunity to share our faith with others.

It seems the accessory options are few and too many of them reflect an "outlaw symbolism" that is not appropriate for an expression of so great a redemption as the Christian biker has experienced. Why do we call ourselves "Christian" if we are not set apart to Christ from the world? Now our "passion for the ride" can give another opportunity to show our passion for Christ as these designs are used on vests and riding jackets like so many other patches and pins are displayed.

Mary and I have worked hard to offer options of color and design so that in a small, humble way these vest extenders can help others in the expression of the individuals that GOD made us to be. Most designs have the option of working with snaps or buttons so they will work on denim vests and jackets also. Custom work is available as well. Inquires are welcome by email for now at ""

Consider the following expression:

The concho in the center of the piece has a story engraved upon it that can symbolize the old redemption story that should be engraved upon our hearts.

The cross is represented as the main focus of the piece and is backed up with a red disc representing the atoning blood of the Savior Jesus Christ. For without the cross and the shedding of Christs precious blood upon it we would have no hope and it should be the focal point of our Christian experience.

The small symbol of the fish represents "we will be fishers of men" in the world which is represented by the round shape of the concho reminding us of opportunity to minister to others the great promises of the faith.

Around the circle of the world there are "hash marks" that could be considered to represent Satan as the "Prince and Power of the Air" who is our adversary and walks around as "a hungry lion seeking whom he may devour". This reminds us that we were once his children (if we truly are saved) but now through God's grace we are saved from his power and in a spiritual battle against him.

The coating on the the concho is antiqued silver plate to remind us that God promises that he will "refine us with fire as of silver and remove the dross from our lives" if we will only allow Him to through His Holy Spirit.

The other materials used in the piece are of nickel plated steel and brass so they will not rust or rot from the corruption of the environment around them. These facts should remind us to strive through God's Holy Spirit to remain "unspotted from the world around us" and to constantly draw on the power of prayer to God to give us the strength to help us achieve this goal.

Please Enjoy our Blog and Comment in a Responsible and Courteous Manner and Continue to ride for Him!

Thanks for your time

God Bless

Steve & Mary Duncan

DuncanClan Creations